Minding the Gap
A Gen X dad and a Gen Z son talk all about transformation and change. Between who we are and who we want to be is a gap. We help you be aware of that gap and close it by teaching you the principles of transformation and equipping you with some of the best tools in the world.
Minding the Gap
#012 - Being a Non Anxious Person w/Jack Shitama
Author, teacher and coach Jack Shitama joins the podcast this week to talk about family systems theory. He helps people manage anxiety and show up better in their lives. He has written 4 books on these ideas and also has a great podcast called The Non Anxious Leader Podcast.
The Big Picture: Family systems theory provides a sense of how you show up in the world.
Why This Matters: Doing the deep work on family systems theory is how you can become a non-anxious presence.
Check out Jack's books here- https://www.amazon.com/s?k=jack+shitama&crid=UAMN6K2G2QMZ&sprefix=jack+shitama%2Caps%2C156&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
Check out Jack's Podcast here-
Minding The Gap Team: mindingthegappodcast@gmail.com
Chris Barras: chrisbarras100@gmail.com